Online conference
How to pay taxes in Europe 2.0
11 low-tax EU jurisdictions + Dubai
Лучшие налоговые консультанты из 11 стран прочитали часовые лекции о странах Европы с самым комфортным налоговым климатом. Вы можете жить в одной стране и платить налоги в другой, вы знали об этом?
И мы не могли не включить в программу конференции самый популярный европейский офшор – Дубай.
Полная запись конференции уже доступна по ссылке ниже:
Countries whose taxes you will learn about:
Andorra, Ireland, Great Britain, Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Cyprus, Portugal - Madeira, Spain - Canary Islands and Dubai
European taxes are a big misconception . There are no average European taxes. There are tax systems that differ from country to country. Moreover, even within countries there are characteristics of regions, islands, and cantons. We brought together speakers from 11 countries so that you can learn about tax conditions for business and life and can compare them. You don't have to move for this. Our speakers explained how you can live legally in one country and pay taxes in another. And also how to avoid double taxation both within the EU and with external countries.
You will hear lectures on tax options in Andorra, Ireland, Great Britain, Estonia, Latvia, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Madeira (Portugal) and the Canary Islands (Spain), as well as the main European offshore Dubai (UAE).

Liya Smekun
Integrations project, Hamburg, Germany

Mikhail Kukhar
Ukraine Economic Outlook
11 experts - lawyers, attorneys, tax consultants and business relocation specialists

Tatiana Charlotte
Tax Manager at RPG Crouch Chapman LLP. Member of the international association of accountants ACCA. UK CTA Certified Tax Expert.
Great Britain

Михаил Соболев
Tax consultant, Director at MS iRida360 Limited

Katerina Azarova
Founder and CEO of Azarova Consulting

Sergey Tarutin
Tax consultant, accountant. Tax and company support specialist in Ireland with over 25 years of experience

Sergei Kalinovsky
Эксперт по международному корпоративному праву, комплаенс-вопросам, налогообложению в QOREADVISORY

Elena Kuznechikova
Lawyer, managing partner of LAW GUIDE, inspiration and co-author of the podcast, certified asset manager, chairman of the IAA private capital committee, member of the ASU working groups on international tax issues.
Мадейра, Канарские острова

Vladlena Rua
Specialist in taxation and obtaining residence permits in Andorra

Ron Luvischuk
Financial expert, member of the board of the Estonian Association of Small and Medium Businesses (2018-2022), chairman of the audit committee of the Eesti200 party, member of the financial committee of the Tallinn City Council

Maria Dunaeva
Qore Advisory, partner. Business relocation specialist in the UAE

Наталья Радченко
Lawyer, tax consultant, partner at Legal House

Vera Dolzhenkova FCCA
Octagon Corporate Services.. Expertise: Doing Business in the UAE: Taxes and Finance

Olga Korpa
Tax consultant, Member of board, Coral Finance Ltd
The conference is suitable for you if you:
Are you considering options for relocation?
Looking for more comfortable living and business conditions
Do you want to compare taxation features in the old EU countries and 11 official low-tax jurisdictions of the European Union
Want to compare the tax climate of the country where you currently pay taxes and other options?
Do you want to meet relocation experts, tax consultants and experts who have already moved their business to other countries
You are an entrepreneur who wants to learn about interesting cases
Do you want to get contacts of trusted tax consultants in each country who speak your language?
Cost 125 euros.
This price is lower than the cost of an hour's consultation with any of the tax consultants in these 11 countries. We offer you TOP speakers from all countries for a single price.
An important mission of Integrationsprojekte is to widely inform new migrants about the possibility of doing business in the EU. Therefore, we have made every effort to make the price so affordable for you.
Don't have a convenient form of payment for you? Contact us - we'll definitely come up with something.
We remind you that you continue to have access to video recordings of our speakers’ lectures and additional materials throughout the year
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